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Visit to OSRA International in Greece

in MOIG News

The Tunisian National Oil Company (ETAP) wishes to establish a credible and practical Tier 2 oil spill response coordination system in Tunisia in the form of Public Private Partnership "PPP".

To ensure all options past and present are considered, ETAP arranged to visit various Tier 2 facilities throughout the region in the UK, coordinated by MOIG.

As an ETAP seconded, the MOIG Director was invited by ETAP; on 17-18 March 2016; to accompany the ETAP delegation for the site visit of OSRA International in Greece.

The main objectives of this visit were:

  1. To exchange information and knowledge on Oil Spill Preparedness and Response with industry Tier 2 experts
  2. To see closer the operations, planning, management, resources of personnel and equipment, infrastructures and architectural aspects

The delegation was afforded escorted tours of the equipment warehouse of OSRA International and its partner MEGADIVE. The delegation had  the opportunity to observe various types of Oil Spill Response stockpiles and response packages such as : shoreline and offshore booms, skimmers, fastanks, support boats and Tugs.

The delegation visited also the emergency operations center of MEGATUGS, OSRA International partner.

The ETAP delegation would like to thank OSRA International, MEGADIVE and MEGATUGS representatives for their warm welcome and hospitality, the high cooperation and the abundant information they have provided on the development of the Tunisian Tier 2 coordination System.

The MOIG Management Committee Members would like to thank Mr Sandro Summit, Regional Operations Manager in OSRA International for coordinating and facilitating visits and meetings with MEGADIVE and MEGATUGS.