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Practical Exercise-Oiled Shoreline Survey and Cleanup

in MOIG News

As previously announced, a practical exercise “Oiled Shoreline Survey and Cleanup” was held on 24th November 2016 in Zarzis City located on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea in South-Eastern of Tunisia.
The event was organized jointly by Cedre, REMPEC, ISPRA, FEPORTS, MOIG, MARETAP and ECUMED.
The exercise is a part of the project for Preparedness for Oil-polluted Shoreline Cleanup and Oiled Wildlife interventions (POSOW II) co-funded by the European Union under the Union Civil Protection Mechanism.
The main objectives of this event were :

  1. To improve the Preparedness and Response to marine pollution in the Mediterranean Region
  2. To develop training for representatives of Libyan Oil and Gas Industry

The exercise consisted of simple demonstration of ECUMED Oil Spill Responses equipments such as fence and offshore booms, skimmers, inflatable tank, Power pack and other accessories.
The practical Exercise was carried out in MARETAP terminal and comprised Oiled Shoreline assessment, Cleanup and Oil Spill waste management.
The exercise was a great success and gathered more than 30 delegates from MOIG members, guests, MARETAP and ECUMED to observe in real time the first hands the action packed oiled shoreline cleanup.
The MOIG Management Committee Members would like to thank :

  1. Cedre, REMPEC, ISPRA and FEPORTS for their high professionalism, explanations and technical advices they have provided to MOIG members and guests
  2. MARETAP and ECUMED for their warm welcome and kind hospitality as well as for mobilizing their resources en personnel and equipments for this exercise