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Visit of VIKOMA Representative to Tunisia

in MOIG News

20-22 May 2024, as a part of VIKOMA representative visit to Tunisia, several meetings were performed between the MOIG Director, Adam Jones from VIKOMA and Tunisian members such as : ETAP, Eni Tunisia, TOPIC, TRAPSA, APO, SEREPT, TPS, and STIR.

VIKOMA is a MOIG member since 2018 and has been manufacturing reliable and innovative oil recovery and environment protection equipment for 57 years. The main purpose of the VIKOMA representative visit was to know the technical requirements of MOIG members related to OSR equipment, maintenance and training. During these meetings, VIKOMA representative affirmed the support to Tunisian Oil and Gas industry in regards to oil spill preparedness and response.

These meetings were also a good opportunity for MOIG to promote the forthcoming Regional Workshop on Oil Spill Preparedness and Response : Commitment and Synergy scheduled to be held from 12 to 14 November 2024, in Istanbul-Turkey.