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Participation to Petro Africa Tunisia 2024 Logistica Africa Expo

in MOIG News

 26-27 June 2024, The MOIG Director participated to Petro Africa Tunisia 2024 and Logistica Africa Expo; held from 25 to 28 June 2024; in El Kram Expo Center respectively Under the signs "Meeting Future Energy Demand in a Sustainable Way" and "Takes you Everywhere by Land, by Sea, in the Air".

The event was supported by the Tunisian Oil Activities Company (ETAP) and the National Oil Corporation (NOC-Libya).

Petro Africa serves the dual purpose for attracting foreign investment while promoting local entrepreneurship and capacity building and providing a preeminent annual industry meeting place to facilitate people, projects and partnerships. This event gathered more than 200 exhibiting companies and professional visitors from Middle East, North Africa, Europe, Americas and Asia.

Petro Africa and Logistica Africa Expo featured scientific programme including oral communications on a diverse topics such as; Lower-Carbon Energy Transition, Sustainable Development, Environment and Downstream Sector, Untapped Exploration Opportunities in Africa, the Strategic Key Role of North Africa in the Decarbonization of Europe, Sustainable Energy Production, Technology Advances and Digitalization in Geophysics, Borehole Integrity & Production, Transportation and Logistics.

The programme also included workshops on the Development and Challenges in the North Hamada Field, Cyber Risk : Insurance In the Oil and Gas Industry as well as Transport Insurance.

This event was also a good opportunity to meet ETAP, NOC, STIR, CTF, ULC Logistics, STRATUM, ZTOC, C.A.T.T, GEOTRACKING, OXYWEAR, AFRILUB, SKCT and VDM representatives.

The Management Committee Members would like to thank Petro Africa 2024 and Logistica Africa Expo Steering Committee for their kind invitation.