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in MOIG News

07-08 January 2021, as previously announced, a delegation composed of Mr. Mohamed Abugasisa Elghadefi; Head of Safety Division; and Mr. Mohamed Maamer Adbeib; Head of Environment Division; at National Oil Corporation Libya (NOC); corporate member; were the MOIG guests.

NOC is carrying out exploration and production operations through its own affiliated companies; or in participation with other companies under service contracts or any other kind of petroleum investment agreements. NOC and its affiliated oil companies holding number of oil terminals along the southern cost of the Mediterranean covering 2000 Km long.

MOIG maintains solid relationships with NOC and highly appreciates its continuous support over the last past years. During this meeting, the MOIG Director presented an overview of MOIG activities carried out during the period of 2014 to 2020 as well as those planned for this year.

In addition, Mr. Samir Khedhira, General Controller Expert and REMPEC Focal Point at the National Agency of Environment Protection (ANPE); delivered a presentation to NOC Delegation; on the Marine Pollution Cooperation in the Western Mediterranean (West MOPoCo Project). He highlighted also the specific objectives of this project which would strengthen cooperation in the field of preparedness for and response to marine pollution, enhance quality and interoperability of the response capacities in the western Mediterranean region; through the improvement of making decision capacity, evaluate National Oil Spill Contingency Plans and reinforce synergies between National and Sub-Regional Emergency Response Procedures.

Furthermore, Mr. Samir Khedhira performed a demonstration; for NOC delegation; on how to use the Readiness Evaluation Tool for Oil Spills (RETOS); for Industry-Facilities Level A.

We were very delighted with the outcome of this meeting, MOIG, NOC and ANPE agreed to further strengthen cooperation and information exchange as well as to work together towards common objectives related to oil spill prevention, preparedness and response in the Mediterranean region.